Equality Act Manifest

As GYİAD, we are working to strengthen the women in the business life under the leadership of our Women Working Group. By starting the “Equality Act”, we are developing effective projects to ensure social gender equality in the business life. Come and be our supporter, sign our ‘Equality Act’ manifest.
Equality Act ManifestEquality Act ManifestEquality Act ManifestEquality Act ManifestEquality Act ManifestEquality Act ManifestEquality Act Manifest
World is transforming rapidly. This transformation contributes to the reduce in equality between the genders with the effect of the technology and science. However, unfortunately, the participation of women in the economic and political life is not as rapid as expected.
In fact, when the women forming the half of the society placed in the economic and social life and the decision taking mechanisms, they provide humane development, and the societies develop. Moreover, the economic development requires the equal representation of the women and men. When the women and men use the resources and opportunities equally, the social and economic development grows.
The perspective on women sets the future of the entire society.
Because the women see the world in a different manner than the men and this special perspective inspires the transformation of the society. Above all, the women in the business life creates major differences for the vital matters shaping the future.
Therefore, as GYİAD, we are working to strengthen the women in the business life under the leadership of our Women Working Group. By starting the “Equality Act”, we are developing effective projects to ensure social gender equality in the business life. Come and be our supporter, sign our ‘Equality Act’ manifest.
Now is the time of equality time!
We agree the United Nations Global Compact and Women Empowerment Principles - WEPs that is an initiative of United Nations Social Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women Department (UN Women) and aiming to have the women in every area and every level of the economic life.
By embracing “Egalitarian” human resources policies in the business life, we are forming a comprehensive and equal working environment for all of our personnel, and adopting the following principles:
Women and men must be equally represented in the business life
They must be subjected to equal evaluation processes
They must benefit from the resources and opportunities in an equal and fair manner
Equal participation in decision taking processes must be ensured
They must have equal wage and side benefits.
As the signatory of the Equality Act, we report each step we take to ensure social gender equality in business life, and we ensure the monitoring of the developments concerning this vital issue.