
As the Young Executives and Business People Association, we aim to improve the relations of our members with each other both socially and commercially through the events we organize.

26.07.2018 07:00

Design, Technology and Customer Experience

Şans Restaurant

“Talks on Us” dinner meeting on “Role of Service Design in the Light of Design Thinking and Advancing Technology” organized by our Digital Working Group was held on July 26, 2018 at the Şans Restaurant. During the said meeting, Fjord Istanbul studio Business Design Director Selim Aykut shared his knowledge and experience with the GYİAD members and guests.

07.06.2018 06:00

Istanbul Modern Exhibition Visit - 07.06.2018

İstanbul Modern

We completed the “Şimdinin Peşinde - On The Trail of Now” titled collection exhibition held at Istanbul Modern and organized by GYİAD Art Working Group on June 7, 2018 with the participation of our members under the guidance of Art Historian Banu Küçüksubaşı.

07.06.2018 06:00

Istanbul Modern Exhibition Visit - 07.06.2018

İstanbul Modern

We completed the “Şimdinin Peşinde - On The Trail of Now” titled collection exhibition held at Istanbul Modern and organized by GYİAD Art Working Group on June 7, 2018 with the attendance of our members under the guidance of Art Historian Banu Küçüksubaşı.

10.05.2018 10:00

GYİAD Meeting - 10.05.2018

Kitchenette Kanyon

GYİAD Meetings event was held at Kitchenette Kanyon on May 10, 2018. The General Coordinator Mrs. Sinem Sonuvar provided information for our members on corporate memory, past and current term projects, working group events and goals, as well as 16th Term Transformation Theme subjects.